Notes from the depths: Rock Anemones VS Sand Anemones
When it comes to the successful aquarium husbandry of sea anemones, one of the most important considerations is where to place a specimen. Most species benefit from strong lighting, so you might be tempted to stick an anemone as high up on the rocks as possible, allowing it to soak up the sun. This is all well and good for a species like the Magnificent Sea Anemone, which naturally occurs at the top of the reef, but this would also make for a miserable experience for a Long Tentacle Anemone.
To understand why this is, one has to understand just what it is that these anemones are doing out in the wild. Every species has its own unique ecological specialization, and these have to be taken into account when deciding on which species to add to an aquarium. If you have a bare spot in the rocks in mind, then you dont want a species that favors a sandy substrate. And the opposite holds true, with species originating from reef environments needing a firm bottom to hold tight to. So let’s take a brief moment to explore these two differing lifestyles found among among our tentacled friends.
Magnificent Sea Anemone (Heteractis magnifica): The quintessential reef-associated sea anemone is the colorful H. magnifica. This species sits high on the reef, often in surprisingly shallow waters, allowing itself to be exposed to the strongest light and heaviest surge. In an aquarium, this is the anemone most likely to move itself around as it searches for the spot that best meets its needs. In dimly lit, low flow systems, this search is often endless and fruitless, and such unfortunate specimens often perish before long, often at the hands of a nearby powerhead or overflow. In favorable habitats, H. magnifica can be an ecologically dominant species, occupying large expanses of the reef in a dense, clonal colony.
Carpet Anemones (Stichodactyla mertensii & Stichodactyla tapetum): Carpet anemones are a mixed bag. There are species found mostly buried in sand, and there are others found only on rocks. Of the latter, the Maxi Mini Carpet (S. tapetum) is most characteristic. This species is unlike anything else in its genus, growing to only a few inches across, featuring short, stubby tentacles, mottled in color, and without any bumps (verrucae) on its body column. Its also the only Stichodactyla which doesnt host clownfish, and there’s actually been very little (i.e. no) research done to prove that it actually belongs within this genus. It behaves more like a mushroom coral than most other anemones, clinging tight to the reef and rarely moving about.
On the other hand, theres Stichodactyla mertensii, the only large carpet anemone found in reef habitats. It is often confused with the other large species from this genus, but its floppy appearance (often seen loosely draped over rocks), relatively long tentacles, and its red-spotted column allow it to be identified. Nearly all specimens are brown (which naturally makes this a less-popular offering), but the rarely seen red morph is highly valued. Unfortunately, large carpet anemones like this have a nasty habit of snacking upon their tankmates (at least, those which aren’t from the genus Amphiprion).
Feather Carpet Anemones (Thalassianthus): The so-called Feather Carpets of the family Thalassianthidae are a small group that can be easily confused with the true Stichodactyla carpets. Both groups have an oral disk covered in tentacles (generally an uncommon feature for an anemone to possess), but these differ in having their tentacles branched (i.e. feathery). They also possess some peculiarly modified structures around the edge of their oral disk known as nematospheres, which resemble a cluster of grapes and are often of a contrasting color. Of the half-dozen species in this family, all occur on rocky substrates. Some, like the Pizza Anemone (Cryptodendrum adhaesivum) and Hemprichs Anemone (Thalassianthus hemprichii), are more typical of true coral reefs, while other species of Thalassianthus (e.g. T. aster, T. dendrophora) tend to be found in marginal habitats laden with silt.
Long Tentacle Anemone (Macrodactyla doreensis): The bright colors of the Long Tentacle Anemone make it a favorite of aquarists, but this is one species that likes to bury itself deeply into soft sands. A substrate several inches deep is a requirement to keep this species happy, along with enough light to reach to the bottom of its aquarium. Without these needs being met, Macrodactyla can fail to thrive. In the wild, the typical habitat for this species is a sandy lagoon full of Halimeda algae, sometimes within intertidal depths, but also as deep as 30 meters on sandy slopes. Amphiprion clarkii makes use of this species, but it is otherwise fairly unpopular among clownfishes. Note that this species is often confused with other similar-looking anemones, like the Bubbletip and Sebae, but is easily identified by its colorful, bumpy body column.
Heteractis aurora
Carpet Anemones (Stichodactyla haddoni & Stichodactyla gigantea): This pair of carpet anemones are typical of shallow sandy environments, often occurring in great abundance in intertidal mud flats. Its not uncommon to see these exposed at low tide, transformed into an amorphous heap of floppy, slimy tentacles. The Giant Carpet Anemone is not notably larger than others in its genus, and the common name merely stems from its scientific name. When it was described in the 18th century, it was certainly larger than other anemones known at the time. The species is most often mistaken for the reef-dwelling S. mertensii, but you’ll only ever find S. gigantea in the shallows, buried in sand. It tends to twitch its tentacles around, for reasons unknown. Stichodactyla haddoni is often referred to as the Saddle Anemone, alluding to the strong saddlelike undulations of the oral disk. Its tentacles are unique within the genus for their blunt tips. Unlike S. gigantea, this one occurs both in the shallows and as far down as 30 meters, and it can sometimes be found around loose rubble, though it tends to be far more common in sand and silt.
Sebae Anemone (Heteractis crispa): You’ll sometimes see this species referred to as the Leathery Anemone, in reference to the thickened texture of the body column, while the name Sebae refers to the 17th century naturalist who first illustrated it, Albertus Seba. This is the only large Indo-Pacific anemone that hasn’t specialized in any particular niche. It occurs on coral reefs, but you’ll find it both within the rocks and buried in the sands just below the reef. But unlike some of the true sand specialists we just met, Heteractis crispa is generally in close proximity to coral-rich habitats. As such, this is one of the easier species to keep in an aquarium, accommodating itself to a wide range of conditions. Smaller specimens look a bit like a Bubbletip, with short, stout tentacles, usually lightly colored and having a purple tip, while mature specimens are dramatic in their appearance, full of innumerable long tentacles swaying gracefully in the currents.